Congratulations you magnificent, succulent, wild woman. You didn't just survive, you thrived - and shone and wept and revelled in the wilderness and shared your joy with us. What a gift. Thank you xx

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Gina! While I have followed this epic adventure on FB, I haven't seen any of the show. (CAN NOT WAIT!) But my entire skin just goosebumped reading this email - because of what it means for your message. Your REACH! The whole world getting an introduction to what it means to live WITH the land, and the power of dance to heal. To hear your music! Your stories! Your WISDOM! AHHHH! So freakin' exciting and POTENT. Gabrielle is with you, as are the ancestors. Thank you for your vast and deep commitment to wholeness. So grateful to have crossed paths with you in this lifetime. Goosebumps in full effect!

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Gina, you were very very impressive. Calm, solid, resilient. Never seemed to worry. Most contestants were trying to beat their environment but you seemed to just adapt yourself to it. Just wanted to say thank you - it was inspirational.

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Thank you so much for all the lessons you shared with your audience over the last few months. I already have a plan in July for my own mini ‘Alone’-style solo adventure. People chuckle at when I tell them, and it’s nowhere near the scale of your own adventures, but I have a deep, unsettling feeling that it won’t be my last. It’s the best feeling. I need to be unsettled.

So thank you, for showing people new paths and new stories that they can write for themselves.

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We love you wild Gigi. My son was watching your Insta vid this morning and I am so happy he knows you can see this way of being. You deserve everything. Thank you for always always seeing the gifts of me and every person and building them up. And for the courage to not be small for women who are scraping back their voices and bodies after centuries of burning and dislocation. You’re a powerhouse. This Substack is going to rock on far and wide. Thinking of your beautiful Blaise too. She is so alive in your love.

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Gina, I had no idea the impact watching Alone would have on me. I am so grateful I stumbled upon it and upon you and your fellow constestants. You in particular (and Kate) have touched me very deeply. Experiencing what you are both all about has played another part in consolidating a freshly awakened belief system in me. Your sense of self, your affinity with nature and your ability to be at peace and to be grateful alone in the wilderness are life affirming. I don't watch much tv but your journey was quality tv and I applaud SBS for it. Go forth and tell your story with this hard won platform. Your generosity will serve us all well. Thank you!

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I love your writing.

Thank you, Gina.

Yes, now you have a platform. And I feel safe in your voice right now. Your way of connecting us all, lighting the ways remembering our way home - with plenty of respect, raw courage and bucketloads of belly laughs.

It is so right that you won. This voice, this knowing - that we can live here by being with - respect (plus all you amazing skills!).


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Since I met you years ago now at a heart of the huntress retreat, I have followed your journey. You are such a life force for good Gina. Amongst all the evidence in our dysfunctional ‘modern’ world, where daily it seems we are doomed, your light shines on the horizon. Beckoning us, showing us, loving us into the possibility of a path forward, together .. as it must be. A path of authenticity, love and connection. Of healing the deep disconnection we suffer in our distracted present. Your Alone victory yet another way in which your love for Blaize, your Mama love, has touched us all. Love you and thank you you amazing human.

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Congratulations Gigi! I am so proud of you. I do not know many fellow women who are as connected to the lands as I am. Yet you showed me where I still want and NEED to sharpen my claws and deepen my relationship with her. I have so much to learn.

I remember the first post I saw of yours—a woman with an arrow. And I remember saying: that’s a soul sister writing right there.

Since you crossed my path some years ago, I have been in awe of your maternal grief and how the big Mamma has doubled down in her love for you. The choice of being a mom was taken away from me. And I will forever grieve the daughter I never had, even though she likes to visit me in Dreamworld. How do I grieve a child I never met?

I love the feral in me, and it was a gift to watch it in you. I genuinely hope I get to share the bush with you one day. I have an intimate relationship with lutruwita, and I know she can be a fearless beast. Yet the most gentle Mamma.

Be well, Gigi. Well played. Well done.

Journey well.


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Your words inspired me to read right t the very end. Thank you for representing the Original Country of the oldest continuing culture in human history. What magnificence you are!

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Thank you Gina for your wisdom and your joy. Every woman walks a little taller. You were the one that was one with country. Tripping over a wallaby as you went to pee… who’d have thought 🤣 enjoy, dance sing. I do these more for knowing you. ♥️

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You are the most deserving winner of Alone yet.

Thank you for your earnest gratitude and love - the world needs more winners like you.

Well done.

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Your words (and actions) have brought happy tears to my eyes.

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Omygoodness Gina! This is extraordinary. My eyes filled with tears of joy and recognition of your gifts. and opportunities that are ahead for you to develop yourself and your gifts even more. I know you have worked to master the art of living and writing. What you demonstrate shows ways for others to develop themselves. Congratulations ! Thankyou for expressing the depths and unlimited creativity of our humanity, and showing the wonderful connection we have with nature and ourselves. Thankyou for showing us we are natural. Your words are powerful tools for healing. Ive been blessed and humbled by your presence since you started online with 5 Rhythms dance in 2020 lockdown. I love reading what you writie and you make me proud to be a woman. Thankyou thankyou thankyou. Mx

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All that .. and thank you .. plus thank you for saying things that come direct from your heart and soul 🙏

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In a fair and grueling contest, you've proven beyond doubt, love wins.

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